How To Change Your Mindset For Success

A shift in your thoughts will always lead to a shift in your life.

Sam Ayikeka


Photo by Olhar Angolano on Unsplash

Sitting in the auditorium of a hotel for a seminar advertised on the radio, I anxiously waited for the speaker. He was a preacher man poised to talk about wealth generation and some success principles. I needed such information to propel me in such dire situations. Sometimes the whole system seems to be working against us. But hey what is it, isn’t life meant to be tough? so that after the tough season, we become tough enough that life can’t break us again. The first principle of success which changed my outlook altogether was that success starts from our mind and not our pocket.

The seminar was my stepping stone since after that I did everything I could to cultivate the ‘success mindset’. I started changing my mindset by feeding the mind with positive materials, and immediately things started to change in my life. Of course, I haven’t metamorphosed into a millionaire or overnight success. However, I got a new mentality that makes me see things differently from others. I do my possible best to see opportunities where others see obstacles.

Unlearn what you were taught.

Our formal education does little to nothing concerning changing our mindset, it rather feeds our minds with facts and figures expecting us to regurgitate it back in the same form. Most people think the educational system is designed to make them successful, you should rethink that. The system only uses old irrelevant materials and just like a cassette tape with replay mode on, it just keeps repeating the same things to generation upon generation with no changes. It was Mark Twain who said, “Education mainly consists of what we have unlearned”. Hence as much as you don’t leave your stomach open to any food, likewise do the same to your mind.

As much as you don’t leave your stomach open to any food, likewise do the same to your mind — Sam Ayikeka

Only you are the solution to your life?

You were born for a reason, you are a solution to the world. You were born unique, so be unique. No one can actually do what you were brought here to do, and I do not say this to give you some happy chills. Unless you start to see yourself as a solution, you’ll think you’re a problem or a mistake. Don’t focus on what you don’t have, your focus should be on what you can do with what you have. Whatever you were given is what you need to be a success in this world, the gifts you have will make room for you.

Changing your thinking.

Most people think; however, the question is about how they think and the quality of their thoughts. How we think determines what we become and immediately I came to grasp that, I was careful of the thoughts I allowed into my mind. The poor think about their problems every day and hardly think about any solution. However, the successful think differently. They are always thinking about solutions for themselves and the world. In the world I find myself, we hardly think about solutions to our problems but rather exhibit the five emotional cancers criticizing, complaining, comparing, competing, and contending as outlined by Steven Covey in his book The 8th Habit.

If all you do is complain, then all the problem will do is remain the same. Most people who lived in poverty can testify that getting out of poverty requires a change in our thinking. A number of poor people I have come across proudly call themselves poor and then do nothing to change that. They always point at others and claim they were more fortunate than them and that life didn’t deal with them right. That is what I call stinking thinking, and you have to clean it up if that is your mentality.

If you are born poor. it’s not your fault. If you die poor, it’s your fault. — Bill Gates

Napoleon Hill’s all-time most influential classic book Think and Grow Rich stipulates that; truly thoughts are things and these things which you think about will manifest when mixed with purpose, persistence, and a burning desire. Most ideas once existed as thoughts, the riches you desire will come forth only if you change your thoughts. If you have an imagination or thoughts of something, put it to work. Let the world see your invention. When you fail try again, and yet try again and never give up until something works for you.

If you do all of this then I’ll see you at the top, only because I’m also climbing.

Thank you.

